Riddle of The Day Created On: August 8, 2015  | Updated: May 13, 2017 | 11 Comments Sharing is caring! 260 shares Share71 Tweet Pin189 Yummly Mix
Jo-Ann Brightman says August 8, 2015 I did not get this one. I was thinking of crossing over , etc. Reply
Amber Ludwig says August 8, 2015 Mine was “you can cross them both”…wrong!!! So sad lol!! One day I’ll get it 😉 Reply
Dorothy Boucher says August 8, 2015 LMBO I didn’t even think of that, water.. I was sitting here thinking like what do they have in common LOLL Good one Reply
Comments & Reviews
Not this time
Hahah! I never get these! I always have to cheat lol!
That was cute
go luck with the blog
I did not get this one. I was thinking of crossing over , etc.
Mine was “you can cross them both”…wrong!!! So sad lol!! One day I’ll get it 😉
Would of never guessed it!
haha….my son is laughing
LMBO I didn’t even think of that, water.. I was sitting here thinking like what do they have in common LOLL Good one
Good one for flirting with