This funny round up of Memes that Sum up What it’s like to have a toddler, will make you feel better about the daily chaos you experience while embarking in the toddler years. So check out this fun collection of Toddler memes.
After 6 kids I’ve come to realize NOTHING prepares you for toddlers. I know, as a new parent chances are you felt like the sleepless nights that the first year brought you were tough. You figure there’s nothing worse during the first few months when you’re trying to figure things out. From feedings to diaperings your new normal is crazy.
Then you *think* you have this parenting thing figured out. You even get a little bit brave and figure you’re a pro at this parenting thing.
Memes that Sum up What it’s like to have a toddler
Then all of a sudden your once sweet little baby becomes nothing other than a screeching gremlin and you begin to question life itself.
During the Toddler years there’s a lot of crying, tantrums, meltdowns and for lack of a better word chaos. However, don’t even get me started on the toddlers themselves.
They’re as unpredictable, loud and emotional. All before 5 am. That being said if you take it all for what it’s worth, that you’re raing this cute little creature that loves you more than life itself you may even have some fun during this time.
So keep reading to get a good laugh or cry depending on the day your toddler gave you.
Toddler Memes
Your days start early with toddlers (very early) and it’s non stop from the get go.
And pretty much you’re always taking something they’re not supposed to have away.
Or getting them down from somewhere they climbed up on.
and let’s face it most of the stuff on your todo list doesn’t get done.
And when you take five seconds to sit down and bond with them you realize it’s not as easy as you thought it would be….
Sometimes things even get a little heated like when you try to explain something to them and why they can’t have a particular object.
And after that all is said and done chances are you feel almost a bit broken…
And you learn what their strengths are throughout the day.
if you try to go out like let’s say the store you realize it’s not that easy.
The days kind of run into each other like some whirling dervish.
and if you have another little one you want them to bond…
But not too much…
Finally you get your mid day break because #ThankGoditsnaptime
Some days go well, other’s not so much….
Then because having a toddler isn’t hard enough, you try to Potty train them and realize it’s not for the faint of heart.
And as the day progresses sometimes it just doesn’t get easier….
Even when you think you’re doing what you’re supposed to ,to keep the peace… it all falls apart.
Because let’s face it their job is to keep us on our toes…
And once again your day takes a turn for the adventurous
and when you think you can’t go on..
Dinnertime with a toddler is here
Somedays are harder than others
Bed time also proves to be interesting.
and you try to get creative with bed time but have flashback of college…
and you think you have found victory….
only to realize nope.
then even when you think you have found victory again, you realize….eh not so much.
they find you… and sometimes you even get injured at your most vulnerable, while sleeping.
In the end however, you love your toddler.
Because who knows what goes through their minds
Although Toddlers are exhausting little whirling dervishes of destruction, stickiness and chaos; the world would be so boring without them.
So grab a toddler today and give them a big hug. They may drive you crazy, but man they’re cute!
Want to read more about toddlers? Check out Insane (but true) facts about toddlers here.
Looking for even more Toddler humor? Check out why Mama in the now likes her Boss better than she likes her toddler.
Comments & Reviews
It has been over 40 years since I had a toddler and I laughed so hard my tears ran down my legs!
Grandchildren don’t count anywhere near as much as your own toddlers because they come and go.
Your own toddler is a 24/7, 365 day sentence with no chance of parole.
Love this sooo funny and sooo true!