There are few children growing up who haven’t dreamed of a magical adventure, one that takes them to a far away land, to come face to face with magic and most important to make a friend in the process. Roald Dahl’s The BFG has done that for decades and now through the Magic of Steven Speilberg and Melissa Mathison a new generation will get to experience this magic on the big screen.
The BFG , played by Academy Award winner Mark Rylance, while a giant himself, is a Big Friendly Giant and nothing like the other inhabitants of Giant Country. Standing 24-feet tall with enormous ears and a keen sense of smell, he is endearingly dim-witted and keeps to himself for the most part. Giants like Bloodbottler (Bill Hader) and Fleshlumpeater (Jemaine Clement) on the other hand, are twice as big and at least twice as scary and have been known to eat humans, while the BFG prefers Snozzcumber and Frobscottle.
Sophie, an orphan living a lonely life and suffering from insomnia happens to meet The BFG while on one of his outings, during the witching hour.
When he sees her, he takes her away to Giant country and upon her arrival , Sophie, a 10-year-old girl from London, is initially frightened of the mysterious giant who has brought her to his cave, but soon comes to realize that the BFG is actually quite gentle and charming, and, having never met a giant before, has many questions. The BFG brings Sophie to Dream Country where he collects dreams and sends them to children, teaching her all about the magic and mystery of dreams.
Having both been on their own in the world up until now, their affection for one another quickly grows. But Sophie’s presence in Giant Country has attracted the unwanted attention of the other giants, who have become increasingly more bothersome. These Giants embody the worst in people, and in a way show a reflection of what danger and evil look like. Yet, Spielberg manages to convey them in a comical way that makes you almost laugh at how ridiculous their way of life is. Having Comedic geniuses like Clements & Hader you can’t help but laugh at some of the scenes in which these giants grace the screen with their awkwardness and Gibberish. However, they do become a danger to Sophie and the BFG and they soon depart for London to see the Queen (Penelope Wilton) and warn her of the precarious giant situation, but they must first convince the Queen and her maid, Mary (Rebecca Hall), that giants do indeed exist. As well as show how not all are bad, which leads to one of the funniest scenes in the movie. Together, they come up with a plan to get rid of the giants once and for all.
Mixing together the captivating magic of Spielberg and Dahl’s Story telling magic forms an amazing adventure that is packed full of lessons in understanding, friendship and bravery. Sophie, played by newcomer Ruby Barnhill manages to take your heart from the first moment you see her on screen and not let go. Her friendship with The BFG becomes something that touches your soul and a true lesson in overcoming whatever obstacles you’ve been handed. There’s something so special about her, something that took Steven Spielberg a while to find, but knew he had found it the moment he laid eyes on her. It’s no surprise she was meant to play this role.
Mark Rylance manages to capture The BFG the way I imagined him when I read it as a child. He manages to capture the spirit of The BFG, that tenderness, the sweetness, yet the sadness and loneliness in his voice. I can’t imagine anyone playing him better than he did.
This movie will follow you after you leave the theater and will touch your heart whether your 9 or 99. It is a movie to be seen by the whole family. Although the giants can be intimidating for smaller little ones, it it is definitely a cinematographic masterpiece that touches that will captivate you from start to finish.
It’s not the flashy story lines that kids now a days seek out,but Spielberg manages to shape this story into the perfect grandeur that existed in all our imaginations while we read this book. It’s like he took the magic we pictured and brought it to the screen.
As a child there are movies that touched my heart, sparked my sense of adventure, and invoked feelings I never dreamed I would have. Amazingly enough most of those movies were directed by one man, Steven Spielberg. As a parent you hope your kids experience many of those same emotions with films you loved as a child, The BFG does that. It bridges the magic of Steven Spielberg, Disney and Big Screen magic all in to one, ready to touch a new generation of fans and ready spark the magic which childhood dreams are made of.
Don’t forget to check out the movie when it hits theaters Today! Check out the preview below and make sure and check out the movie this weekend!
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THE BFG hits theaters everywhere on July 1st!
Picture Credits Disney Media
Comments & Reviews
I can’t wait to take my 13 year old to see this movie! It looks great and I’m sure she’s going to love it!
Great review! Looks like it is a fun movie! Can’t wait to check it out. ?
That looks very interesting!
Great article, Id love to see BFG. We’ll have to wait a bit, since the kids are still too little for a trip to the movies.
I can’t wait for this movie to come out! Thanks for the post!
This looks so amazing. I love adventure and fantasty books, so I’m surprised that I’ve never read this! Might have to take on this book once my new little person arrives (beginning of August-ish). Oh, wait. A newborn and a toddler? Do I really have time to read a book? Hehe 😉
Can’t wait to see this movie! Wish my son was old enough for the theater.
Very excited for this movie!
I cannot wait to see this movie with my niece!
Great review! We are so excited for this movie.
I am so excited for this!! This was one of my favorite books as a child, from my favorite author! Thanks for the great review! I think my kids will enjoy it!
Thank you for the review. I want to see this movie, but it probably isn’t going to happen til it comes out on dvd. My son is 4 and has a very big imagination, but is also easily scared. (He doesn’t like ‘Finding Nemo’ because of the ‘scary’ parts). My daughter is just too young. Maybe in a few years…
I am sure we will get around to seeing this, but I was not part of the generation that was really taken with Roald Dahl. James and the Giant Peach never really interested me…
My daughter is so excited for this movie! I am looking forward to taking her 🙂
My niece is really excited to see this! Maybe she’ll get it for Christmas and I’ll end up getting to watch it 🙂
I am excited to see this movie. I think my kids will like it too. And it will be fun to read the book together as well!
This movie looks so adorable!
I’m so excited to see this movie. It looks like it’s going to be really good! 🙂
I am very eager to see this movie. I think that it is a movie for the entire family to enjoy and I appreciate the lessons it teaches.
I grew up watching Speilberg’s movies and can’t wait to see how he did with this adaptation. Thank you for the review!
Great review! This is definitely one that I think my children will enjoy!
I’m so excited about this movie. Thank you for the awesome review!
I have not seen the movie it looks amazing though and it seems like it teaches a lot of character skills. Thank you so much for the review.
Roald Dahl is one of my favorites. I am so excited to see this movie! My kids are still a little young for it, so I’ll have to enjoy it for all of us haha!
This was one of my favorite books as a child & I’m so excited to read it with my boys & see the movie soon. ??
This was one of my favorite books as a kid – I loved anything written by Roald Dahl! Cannot wait to see the movie version…especially since it was done by the fantastically talented Steven Spielberg!! 🙂
I don’t know how, but I hadn’t even heard of this movie yet. Now I feel like I live under a rock lol
I’m so glad to hear it is a movie for the whole family! I read some Roald Dahl when I was little, but I don’t think I read this one. I am very excited for my oldest to experience the movie and read the book with me!
this looks like a really interesting movie. Im sure my family will enjoy it
Sounds like a great film! Definitely have to check it out! Thanks for sharing!
I remember reading to book when I was younger! I’m excited for the movie, but i think I’ll re read the book first!
I am a librarian, so I’m always hesitant to watch movies that are based on books, but let’s face it – the books are always much better than the movies. However, this one may be an exception. Thank you for sharing.
My five year old daughter is so excited for this movie to come out. Thank you for the movie information!
What a great review!! It looks like such a magical movie!! Probably won’t be able to see it in theatres because of my one year old but definitely rent it when it comes out!
Can’t wait to check this out!
This movie sounds like a great movie. I want to take my oldest daughter to see this movie.
Great review! I have been so excited to see this movie while following your posts. We cannot wait to take our oldest!
Great review. I can’t wait until my boy is old enough for movies- I really want to see this one.
Excellent review.You should be writing books.Think about it.
My kids are still too young- under 3. But, son enough!
Thank you for the synopsis! I have heard of this book but haven’t read it. My toddler loves Jack and the Beanstalk, particularly the giant. I think he would love this book and movie!
I can’t wait to watch this. I had no clue it was a book.!?
I would love to see this movie!
Can’t wait to see this.
I’m looking forward to sharing BFG with my daughter
I can’t wait to see this!!
Love this!! Don’t judge a book by its cover 😉
I’ve heard sooo many great things about this movie!
We went to the library Thursday and all the copies of it were checked out. I wanted to read it before taking my oldest to see the movie. We may just have to read it later… she is super excited to go!
I have the book to read with our kids this summer and hope to see when it comes out on DVD!
Love Roald Dahl. This movie is on our suggested activities list this summer!
I wonder if my four year old would enjoy this.
Read the book. Now it is time to watch the movie!
My oldest son would love this movie! He loves reading books and he has quite the imagination!
I had no idea this was in production! I liked the nook as a kid, and this might be a nice movie for my boys!
I’ve never read the book, I’d like to see the movie
I used to love this book! I’m excited to see how they made it into a movie!
Love Disney movies! Hope my lil girl will love it too! ❤️
This sounds like a wonderful movie and I can’t wait to watch it with my son.
I cannot wait to see this movie! We just read this to our girls. My husband never read it growing up. However it is one of my favorite books. My parents used to read me a chapter every night before bed.
I think my son would enjoy this movie! Thanks for the post on it.
I love Roald Dahl and the BFG, I am excited to see this movie!
Roald Dahl was my favorite author when I was growing up. It’s so nice to see his work touching a new generation.
I’m looking forward to watching this movie.
I really want to see this movie.
Love this book! Can’t wait to see the movie
Sounds like an interesting movie, thank you.
This was one of my most favorite books growing up and I’m excited to see it in a motion picture. Disney always does a great job so I’m sure I won’t be disappointed.
We read this last year. I can’t wait to see it!
We love most Disney movies and not just the flashy ones. It’s about the heart of the story.
This was one of my favorite books growing up and I can not wait to see the movie !
My brother loved this book when he was young but I never got into it– maybe I just need to go back and revisit it. 🙂
This looks like such a great movie. I love the BFG.
I loooooooved this book when I was younger. Cannot wait!!
We ? Disney movies
I would like to see this movie
So Excited!
My son is Sooo excited to see this movie when it’s released! Can’t wait to take him!
I loved this book! I am reading it to my girls & can’t wait to see the movie.
I read The BFG as a girl and am so excited to see the movie! It looks like they did a good job. 🙂
I can’t wait to take my kids to see this movie. My son read the book last year in school and it left a lasting impression on him. He talked about the book for months! The film looks amazing and we can’t wait to see it!!
i can’t wait to see this! Love disney
Loved this book as a child and would love to see this movie!
This looks like a fun movie!!
Looks like a great movie!
Looks like a great movie.
I can’t wait to go see it, it looks really good
I am so looking forward to watching this movie, I love what they did in this movie and its amazing how they can do this in movies today, .