Your life will change once baby gets here. Here is a great list of the 50 Things to Do Before baby arrives to make the transition smooth for all.
50 Things to Do Before Baby Arrives!
I am due with baby #6 in a few months and although I can’t wait to carry this precious little one in my arms, I’m well aware of the lack of time and energy one has when they finally do get here. When you have a baby, it can be a huge life change, from what you are used to! Even though I’ve done it 5 other times it seems there are things I can never “prepare enough for”. Although giving birth is the most amazing experience ever, it can also be very tiring in the beginning from the lack of sleep, crying around the clock and more. So if you or someone you know is getting ready to have a baby, make sure you to look over the 50 things to do before baby arrives!
These will help you get all the things you need planned out, so the day you arrive home from the hospital you are ready and glad you had everything in place. You will be glad you had diapers on hand so you didn’t have to venture out to get diapers!
Like I said after 5 kids I realize there is never enough time to prep for when baby comes, but having things as organized as possible now will help you have a smooth”er” transition in the end and give you the time to snuggle up to your brand new little squish.
Checklist for What to Do Before Your Baby Comes
- Drink more water – hydration during pregnancy is so important. As a matter of fact many pregnancy & postpartum issues can arise due to dehydration so make sure and stay on top of your water consumption.
- Wash up some of your baby clothes you have – do up to 3 months old.
- Manage your registry so you don’t get duplicates of items you have purchased or been given.
- Pack your hospital and diaper bag by 32 weeks! That way you are prepared. Emergencies happen and you want to be ready for anything that can come your way.
- Get it lined out if you have pets who will take care of them.
- Get extra sleep, you will need it. SERIOUSLY!
- Go to the birthing classes, to help you during labor.
- Get the car seat set up in the car! This is something I’ve commandeered because I still remember my husband running around town trying to get someone to install the baby’s car seat with our first. It was a nightmare!
- Put up the baby crib and other furniture. Not only is it nice to have this all ready to go, the fact that you see it all come together helps build excitement for the wonderful adventure ahead.
- Stock up on diapers and wipes so the first month or so you have them on hand. If you cloth diaper make sure and have all the diapers washed ,stuffed and ready to go!
- Make freezer meals, so you can toss in crockpot or oven, and have homecooked meals! This is huge! I can’t stress this one enough. I only started doing this one with my #5 and it was amazing having all these meals made ahead of time and all I had to do was pop them in the oven. Plan for about 2-3 weeks, double up on recipes and freeze,freeze,freeze. Make it a day event where you get a bunch of meals made. You will thank me!!
- If you are breastfeeding, make sure you have your pump, nipple creams, support pillows and such ready.
Maybe get a sound machine for baby’s room and blackout curtains, to keep it dark at first during naps.
- Stockpile Items you use often, so running to the store is minimal – toilet paper, paper towels, snacks, razors, etc.
- Have thank you cards ready, so that if you get a gift you can send it right away, and not forget.
- Clean your house, because you won’t have time or feel up to it right after baby. Better yet if you can afford it, Splurge on a cleaning lady to come in and help give your home that last thorough cleaning before baby comes.
- Spend time with spouse, so that you can make up for those long days ahead. Go out to dinner, maybe take one last baby moon. If you have little ones, line up a sitter, chances are when baby comes your boob will be his/hers for a few months making it hard to get away with your love.
- Tour the hospital. If you’ve never delivered there before this is a must. It helps you visualize where you’ll be,what to expect and also know what you need to help make labor as easy as possible.
- Maternity pictures are always fun to look back on!
- Mold your pregnancy belly!
- Pack a bag for snacks for the hospital, so on those late night feedings you have something to snack on.
- Make sure to have essentials like saline solution, a nose suction, diaper cream and such ready for baby.
Sanitize Baby bottles and pacifiers.
- Shop for a coming home outfit or clean out something comfy but nice from your 5 monthish pregnancy clothes because remember, your baby will be gone but your body will be swollen and you will still have a tiny “baby bump”.
- Look into a doula if you haven’t already
- Create a birthing plan, if you have things you might want to happen on the day baby arrives.
- Pick out a birth announcement, then have it saved and once baby arrives, add picture, height, weight, etc to it.
- Get addresses from loved ones, so that you can send out announcements.
- Waterproof bed pad, for you in case your water breaks in bed! #truestory
Look for a pediatrician for your baby! They will have their first appointment a few days after being born.
- Make sure to buy some nursing bras and tanks to have on hand.
- Make sure to paint those toes and/or nails so they are fresh for when baby arrives. I always make it a point to go get a pedicure and manicure around my last doctor’s appointments. Not only does it help relax you but who knows when you’ll be able to this again.
- Make gifts for the nurses that will help you during labor! Seriously these ladies will be your BFF’s by the time it’s all said and done.
- Do a test run to the hospital to know how long it will take.
- Make some lactation cookies and freeze them. You can find a fantastic recipe I absolutely love here.
- Buy hand sanitizer to have around the house for when people visit.
- Set up a mom to come and help you the first few days of baby being home. Seriously ask for help!! My mom always gets here a week before the baby is born and leaves a month later. It has been a life saver!
- Buy a notebook for baby, you will get a lot of paperwork at the hospital, and you can use this to store it all.
- Look around and see who you want to take newborn pictures. Best to do around a week old.
- Have your baby swings, bassinets and such set up.
- Create a nice station for you to breastfeed at. Have a table to sit water and snacks for you, have your nipple cream, burp rags, and such all handy. You will spend a lot of time here.
Have your fridge nice and stocked full of food.
- Make sure your laundry is all done, so you don’t have to worry when you get home.
- Have comfy clothes to lounge around in after you get home.
- Have ice packs and heating pads handy in case you are hurting from labor and delivery.
- Clean your carpets, soon your baby will be crawling around.
- If you have any deep cleaning or organizing you want to do, do it before your new addition arrives.
- Have a date night, to spend time with your loved one.
- Enjoy your quiet time, and watch movies you might want, and just relax before the big event comes.
- Have child proof locks ready so that you can put them on now, or wait until your baby is a bit bigger. But seriously it will get here before you know it!
You’re about to go on an exciting adventure. It’s best to be prepared with as many things on this list as you can before the big arrival.
Looking for some more great pregnancy articles? Check out some of my pregnancy posts here.
Comments & Reviews
Thank you, this was great!
I will definitely have to print this out when the time comes. There are alot of things I wouldnt have thought of before!
Of all the lists I have seen, some with absolutely frivolous “need to do’s” on them, this is the best one I have read thus far. Of course, not everything applies to our situation or methods, but this is a fantastic, comprehensive list of practical actions to take. Thanks for taking the time to share your wisdom!
These are such great tips.
Spend all the time with your spouse that you can! A new baby is hard on a marriage!!
Thanks – will definitely help me be reminded with our second delivery!