What you’ll need:
- Broken Crayons
- Silicone Unicorn Mold ~ can be purchased at Williams Sonoma or Amazon
How to Make it:
- Lay your Unicorn Mold out. I suggest placing it on a baking sheet so you can easily move the mold in and out of the oven with zero spills.
- Now take your broken crayons and remove all the paper labels.
- Then sort the crayons by color. (Turn this into a learning game for younger children)
- Now for the fun part. Take your broken crayons and start placing them in the mold. You can place the crayons in the mold by color or just toss them in the mold randomly for rainbow Unicorn Crayons.
- Once your Unicorn Mold is filled with crayons, turn the oven on 250 degrees. Then place the mold in the oven for about 10 minutes or until the crayons have fully melted.
- After your Unicorn Crayons are nice and melted, take them out of the oven and let them cool and return to a solid state.
- Once your Unicorn Crayons are solid, pop your Unicorn Crayons out of the mold.
- Color away!!! Enjoy 🙂
These crayons are super simple to make, help you use up all the last bits of tired crayons, and best of all your kids will be entertained for hours coloring with their new unicorn.
Aren’t these adorable? They’re the perfect party favor as well!
Looking for some more magical fun?Check out 50+ Fairytale Crafts +Recipes
Comments & Reviews
Hello there, is it possible to make them in the microwave oven?
Many thanks in advance
Michaela Czech republic