During this winter season, it’s important to make sure that your health and that of your family is the best that it can be. Sickness is no fun and can seriously impact your ability to work or your kids’ ability to do well at school. Several of the most important vitamin supplements to take during the cold months have been listed below. Consider adding them to your diet to bolster your immune system!
Vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins to take. Aside from helping to prevent the common cold, Vitamin C has been said to assist with the following complaints:
•Stress. Studies have indicated that Vitamin C has helped to bolster immune systems weakened by stress. One of the first nutrients to be depleted by smoking, alcohol use and over-eating, Vitamin C is an important supplement for everyone.
•Reducing the risk of illness. Doctors have suggested that Vitamin C can help prevent complications that follow colds, such as pneumonia and other lung infections.
•Skin aging. The unique properties of Vitamin C have been found to help prevent wrinkles and dryness. So if you are interested in a quick remedy for aging that doubles as a immune booster, check out Vitamin C.
Vitamin B-12 is another important vitamin to incorporate into your diet. Vitamin B has been proven to assist in healthy red blood cell production. In addition, this vitamin supplement has been said to help prevent or lessening the negative effects of Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, breast cancer, sickle cell disease and high levels of cholesterol. Individuals with low levels of Vitamin B tend to suffer from fatigue, memory loss and weakness. One of the great things about Vitamin B is that the FDA has found no levels of Vitamin B intake that are so high that they are dangerous. This means that it is very hard to overdose yourself on this health product.
A third supplement you should consider keeping in your cabinet is Vitamin A. This important supplement plays a key role in energy production and immune defense. Areas of your skin that are vulnerable to invasion by germs, such as the mouth, nose and skin are areas where Vitamin A accumulates. When free radicals, toxins and germs attempt to invade, the Vitamin A is used to defeat the bad guys.
If you want to find out now about where you can get these and other vitamin products, check out vitamin websites such as ovitaminpro.com.
Comments & Reviews
I haven’t been boosting my vitamin c as much lately… definitely need to keep up with that!! Everyone in my house has the sniffles right now, so this was a good reminder!
Definitely going to be stocking these in my medicine cabinet. Thanks for the great tip!
This is really interesting! I think I could use some vitamin C.
Great tips for winter. I try to keep vitamin c on hand during the winter but didn’t know about vit. A and B-12.
We all need some tips for staying healthy in the winter! Didn’t know that vitamin C was good for wrinkles! I take a Senior Multi Vitamin Tablet Daily and I have been eating oranges and grapefruit. That should be enough don’t you think so!! I will look into Vitamin B12 and Vitamin A!! Thankyou so much for these Helpful Tips!
Great information to pass on. I’m not pregnant but still take prenatal vitamins, they offer so much more for a woman’s body that you can’t get with other vitamins. I agree it is important to take care of yourself, this time of year can bring some bad sickness.
Thank you for posting this! I’m taking prenatals now which will hopefully keep me covered!
I always question the quality of the supplements I see in my local stores. I need to research better to make sure the vit C & vit d that I take regularly are good quality, especially as a nursing mama!
I am a big fan of certain supplements, thanks for the great information, I have not taken vitamin A in the past.
Wow! I need to have more vitamin C in my supplements!!! I love the vitamin C for dry skin.
I definitely appreciate this! I’m always looking for more ways to keep myself and my family healthy!
Good info!! I didn’t think about vitamin a!! I’ll have to take a look and see what I can do to boost out family’s b-12 and vitamins c and a! 🙂
It’s so simple to take supplements but I always forget! I was very vigilant taking my vitamins while pregnant, but since birth, I’ve kinda lost my mind again, lol. I’m going to bring my vitamin container out of the cupboard tonight and fill it. Thank you for the reminder.
Thank you for the information.
I am always looking for ways to stay healthy during these long winter months of being shut up inside. Helpful suggestions on what supplements are good for staying healthy.
I am so bad at taking my vitamins. I actually have all of these vitamins in my cabinet! Thank you for the info, I am going to make it a point to take these everyday now!
This is great! Thanks for all the useful information on supplements to keep us healthy this winter.