They say there’s nothing better than a good night’s sleep. However, for kids that’s probably the furthest idea from their little minds. When bedtime hits, although parents all sound out a collective sigh of relief, kids have other plans. However, as a parent, if you can’t laugh then what fun are you having? Check out 25 Memes that Sum up How Hard Bedtime is with kids. Read on for a humorous look at how these little people control our lives even at bed time.
25 Memes that Sum up How Hard Bedtime becomes with kids
Bedtime is pretty brutal. Nothing fills a parent with more sense of false hope than this time of the day. You think, there’s no way my kids are going to stay up all night.
They have to go to sleep!
They’ve had such an exhausting day.
They got up so early.
They’ve got to be exhausted.
Then you realize nothing is as it seems.
There are hundreds and thousands of books written on the topic. There are people who are experts on this very subject. Yet for some reason bedtime becomes the impossible glory you feel is completely away from your reach.
What’s even harder is that your patience, has being to run its course. You’ve had a tiring day and those kids you love with all of your heart have been replaced by little gremlins.
Because although they’re not going to bed, they’re exhausted.
When the witching hour hits….
Then you think well it’s obvious, if you just say goodnight they’ll go to bed.
And then begins the bedtime nightmare.
It’s like they’re almost allergic to bed time.
and they really start trying your patience
I mean they have a bedtime right?
And you’ve done their bedtime routine…
and you’ve said goodnight a lot of times
A lot.
And they just won’t go to sleep
Because all of a sudden they’re NOW hungry…
Yes, those kids who insisted they didn’t want dinner.
and you may even have people try to act like they understand what you’re going through.
or your spouse may try to play into their littel hands
and time begins to stand still
and you think the moment will never come.
But finally you accomplish victory…
The nice thing is at the end of the day you’re the boss and at least once they fall asleep you can enjoy your well hid snacks….
or even seduce the hubby or wife…
or not
After 6 kids I can honestly tell you, there are days I wonder if I will ever catch up on sleep. But at least I’m having fun in the process right?
Looking for more parenting humour? Check out 10 memes showing parenting humour at its best.
Comments & Reviews
this is so nice and funny i love it!!!
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I love people like u!!