Summertime fun with baby doesn’t have to be impossible with these tips! Check out how easy it is to have a blast this summer with baby in tow! Disclosure: This is a sponsored post on behalf of my ambassadorship with Safety1st. However, all opinions are 100% mine
It’s summertime and chances are you’ll be going on vacations and outings with your little one. Because I have 6 kids staying home really isn’t an option and sometimes I’ll even have to go places that may not be ideal to take a baby to because of logistics. This summer has been no exception. So far we’ve been to parks, camping, farms and even New York City! Each time I had one constant my Safety1st Riva stroller. Even if you want to baby wear through some of these experiences, a good stroller is a necessity through all your summer adventures. That’s why the Riva has been leading the way this summer through all the fun. It’s sturdy yet sleek design helps you maneuver in and out of parks, city sidewalks and even gravel while still keeping your baby comfortable and safe no matter where you go! You can check out some more of the great features that the Riva Stroller can bring to your adventures here.
Most important with all the great features such as the huge canopy, peekaboo window, huge storage basket and flat folding you can take it everywhere and anywhere you go. Deciding on the adventures you go on can be tricky but enjoying the time you’re there doesn’t have to be. Here are some tips I’ve put together below to help maximize the fun while out and about while enjoying summertime fun with baby.
Prepare (but don’t go overboard)
Make sure and pack for the unexpected. However, don’t go crazy to the point where you’re taking a suite case to your destination. Remember that chances are you can get anything anywhere. For example if you didn’t bring enough diapers, wipes ,treats, etc.. you can always get more so don’t go crazy overpacking.
Bring a cover
So this one has been huge for me. I always carry muslim blankets with me whenever I go out. These are multifunctional because if It’s cold I can just put them on the baby, if I have to nurse I cover myself up and if it’s too sunny I can always use it to drape over the stroller. Because they’re breathable they’re perfect for summer fun at all points of your trip.
Don’t be scared to let baby explore!
Part of their overall growth is to explore the world around them. So don’t be scared to find a nice spot for baby to hang out and explore their surroundings. If they’re still not crawling a little blanket on the floor can be a perfect way to help with tummy time. If they’re more active like my 6.0 find a nice patch of grass for them to feel new textures, sights and smells.
Bring some fun for them
The older your baby gets the more fun they’ll want to have. Bringing one of their favorite toys with them can entertain them as well as help keep them comfortable if they’re teething.
Make sure and take time to teach your baby
It’s never too early to start teaching babies. So showing them the exciting stuff around them is a must. You’ll be surprised at how they react at the funny goat that keeps staring at them or the beautiful colors of a flower. Most important teach what each thing is. They’re little computers gathering all the information right now, when you least expect it they’ll start processing and outputting it so make sure and fill them with wonderful experiences to help them on their path.
Be ready to feed baby anywhere.
Babies are unpredictable creatures aren’t they? So just because you’re sitting down for a snack or lunch doesn’t mean they’re ready to partake in the festivities.
Sleep time may vary
Because you’re out and about chances are putting baby to nap may not happen at the hours you may want them to happen. So be prepared for a cranky little one at certain points. That being said also be ready for baby to fall asleep when you least expect it. Just go with the flow and make sure you have a stroller that can help recline for maximum sleep time 🙂
Have fun!
As the saying goes “You only get 18 summers with your kids” Don’t sweat the small stuff and have fun. I’ve learned after 6 kids to just go with the flow. It can be hard especially if you want things to go a certain way or have certain expectations on the way things should be. But remember they’re kids and they’ll probably remember things in a much better light than you do. So kick off your shoes and enjoy whatever adventure you go on.
To find out more about the Safety 1st Riva Travel system head over here.
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Comments & Reviews
I had one just like that when my 11 year old was that small.
I love making memories with my grandchildren. I love seeing a smile brighten their face. This is a great product to get our little ones out and about. Thank you so much for sharing this
What a cute baby!! I’m due with my 4th soon and baby will be going everywhere with us in our busy schedule. A good stroller is a must have.
This is so convenient and easy! Will definitely use these tips in the future
This looks so comfy and safe for baby. I love how sturdy it is and how easy it is to use. Thank you so much for sharing this
Thanks for the tips. I’ll be needing these for my youngest granddaughter.
I’m needing these tips all over again as the 6th grandchild has been born and I’m expected to babysit. I’m not creative so I look for these helpful tips
(tips for summertime fun with baby) Can you believe that we are already in the middle of August! It’s crazy how fast summer always seems to just fly by. Keeping baby busy is a must during these warm summer months too. This stroller sounds like a good investment for toting the little ones around in.
You have so much helpful information in this post that would really help when going out with young ones. Helps to be prepared and flexible.
Good tips for parents of little ones.
this is good idea when my kid were little we all ways keep stuff in trunk and in bag
It’s great ,practical , and great for mom and baby.
I don’t have a baby, but it looks like you know how to be a fun mom! I can’t wait to have some of my own and take them places. I’ll have to keep this article in mind.
Great Article! Lots to think about. New mommy Sept. 2018?
It is so important that we enjoy every minute of our childrens lives. They grow up so fast. Thank you for sharing this great article
This is a great article to read. It is hard to remember sometimes that you have 18 summers with your kids. My son just turned 13, my daughter 11, and my other daughter 4. I want to make the most of the summers I have with them.
Great article for a new mom.
Neat quality time with baby is nice, being well prepared is important too.
thanks for this. i love summer but it’s hard to have ababies when the kids are out of school because they teend to take over.
A stroller with a large canopy is something I realized was essential pretty quickly. This stroller looks awesome. Thanks for sharing
I agree that having a good sturdy stroller is essential.
This stroller really looks like it is made of good quality materials. I love the sleekness of it.