Looking for the perfect gift ideas this holiday season? Save Time and Money on Gifts this Holiday Season with these tips!
Save Time and Money on Gifts this Holiday Season
With the cost of living going up and energy bills not even worth talking about, you might want to save time and money. You work harder and longer to give your family the nice things they deserve. So, here are some tips to make sure this holiday season is still a great one.
Take Advantage of Online Sales
You can’t consider saving money without going online. The internet is excellent for finding what you need. And online sales have now surpassed that of real-world stores. eCommerce offers everything you need, and you can have almost anything delivered. From simple items like your groceries to luxury and high-end gifts like wholesale diamonds, you will find what you need on the web. And because most eCommerce doesn’t have real-world stores, they’re often cheaper.
Save Time and Money with Sales Apps
The internet is a valuable tool for finding sales and gifts when you need them. However, for the best deals, you need to be on the right site at the right time. And unless this is related to your job, this isn’t possible for most of us. Fortunately, you can use sales apps to alert you when a specific item is being offered at a discount. Some of the best apps you can use for this include Retail Me Not, Honey, and Price Pulse. You can use these on your smartphone or web browser.
Buy for Next Year During Sales
The first year is more challenging, but you can actually save a ton of money when you buy next year’s gifts this year. It works by taking advantage of post-holiday sales such as Boxing Day and January Sales. Yes, January Sales are part of this year since most retailers can’t wait to get rid of their stock and start their January Sales in the week before New Year. So, you can save by getting your next year’s gifts in the end-of-year sales and storing them away.
Buy Trending Gifts
Finding the right gift for someone can be quite a challenge. While some people are hard to buy for, fortunately, most people just want the latest trending gifts. This is great for saving time since you can just check online. Some trending gifts for 2022 include the following:
- Memory foam slide slippers are a major fashion and gift topic on TikTok this year.
- Simple and stylish gold hoop earrings are making a comeback for 2020’s fashion.
- Calming moon lamps are tipped as a big gift for tweens and younger teens for Xmas.
- Virtual reality dinosaur kits are a guaranteed hit with younger boys and girls.
- Everyone can benefit from a Shiatsu massager to melt away the stress of 2022.
Things that make people more comfortable are evergreen gift. Yet fashion trends come and go like the wind. So a quick online search for trending gifts will let you know the “in thing” this year. And technological toys are changing all the time, so it’s best to check online first.
Buy Gifts Little by Little
The holiday season can get expensive. From Halloween to Christmas, people all over the world spend a ton of money. In the United States alone, the average American family spends over $3,000 on Christmas alone. This is an unsustainable bill with the cost of living this year. However, you can save time and money by buying throughout the year. Some people buy one gift per month. Means you don’t have a huge bill, and you won’t spend a weekend shopping.
Save Time and Money with Secret Santa
Gifting can get rather extensive and grows to include friends and colleagues in addition to the family. As a result, your bills can also increase. To keep this from spiraling, it can help to do the Secret Santa game at work and with friends. Because there is a set limit on gifts, for example, $20, everyone gets something that isn’t overpriced, and everyone gets something of equal value. This can be a massive help when you find your bills are getting a little on the hefty side.
Buy or Make Meaningful Gifts
Kids might want the latest video games or a trending fashion brand. Yet most adults aren’t concerned with these and appreciate meaningful gifts more. A gift that someone has put some thought into holds sentimental value, regardless of its price. And these are often cheaper than frivolous expenses. For example, you could make their favorite cake for your friends. Or perhaps a memory scrapbook for your partner. These cost less and make a lasting impression.
2022 hasn’t been the best year for finances. Increased food and energy costs are putting the squeeze on most people. And it’s getting worse. But that shouldn’t stop you from enjoying yourself. Online sales, trending gifts, and Secret Santa can save time and money.
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