Do you like riddles? Then do I have one for you! What smells bad when living but smells good when dead riddle? If you can’t figure out what the answer is to this tricky then scroll down to see what the answer is, Along with some Tricky riddles to get your brain working.
Tricky Riddles
Chances are if you’re here it’s because a brain teaser lured you in. It’s no wonder, brain teasers are fantastic. They have so many great health benefits for your brain and soul. Most important they’re fun. There’s actually scientific proof that backs this up.
With all the stress we’re going through nowadays Riddles and Brainteasers are the perfect way to make sure you are exercising your brain in a fun way.
Regular brain teasers and puzzles that utilize your cognitive skills help to improve your ability to learn, your problem-solving skills, and your memory as you use specific neural networks.
Brain Skills for your mind
I know I suffer from mom brain. I forget everything and can become a bit scatterbrained. Thanks to my love of riddles and brain teasers I’m able to put that aside and help with my mental skills.
Your ability to remember relies on specific parts of the temporal and frontal lobes that are located behind the forehead. It is a common mistake to assume that simply reading books and working out your taxes will be enough exercise for your mind, but in reality, it isn’t enough. Your brain needs a real workout that keeps challenging you and pushing you further.
So ready to get your brain going? Check out these fun riddles below.
You throw away the outside, eat the inside, then throw away the inside. What is it?
Corn on the cob.
Feed me and I will live, but give me a drink and I will die. What am I?
A fire.
What has four fingers and one thumb, but isn’t alive?
A glove.
What can you keep after giving it to someone?
Your word.
Fun Brain Teasers
Here’s a fun one:
Can you figure the answer out? If not head over here to see what it is.
Answer : Automobile
Answer: Clock
What can never be put in a saucepan?
Answer: Its lid.
I live in my little house all alone. There are no windows or doors, and if I want to go out I have to break through the wall. What am I?
A chick in its egg.
Answer: 22 pattern is +2 ,x2
More Brain Teasers
The more that there is of this, the less you see. What is it?
I am a box that holds keys without locks, yet my keys can unlock your deepest senses. What am I?
A piano.
Answer: A CarPet 🙂It belongs to you, but other people use it more than you do. What is it?
Your name.
Answer: Add a G and then it’s Gone!
Two fathers and two sons are in a car, yet there are only three people in the car. How is this possible?
They are grandfather, father, and son.
Answer: 1,2 &3
What has one eye but cannot see?
A needle.
The answer: Water !!! Don’t forget to drink lots today in the heat!
Answer: A Hole
Take away my first letter, then take away my second letter. Then take away the rest of my letters, yet I remain the same. What am I?
A postman.
Answer: Smiles because there’s a mile between the S’s
I have seas with no waters, coasts with no sand, towns without people and mountains with no land. What am I?
A map.
The answer: Bacon 🙂 See when it’s alive it’s a pig and they’re stinky but when dead and you cook it It’s AMAZING!
Here’s a last one
Answer: Pilgrims
What cannot talk but will always reply when spoken to?
Answer: An echo.
The Answer: A candle!
The answer is : a Mailbox!
How about this one?
The answer:
answer: A palm tree!!!
He is a pilot in the cabin of the airplane.
Answer: A stamp!
The number eight if you divided it in half it becomes a zero 🙂 (Take the top part off)
Comments & Reviews
CUTE, ‘Play-the-Fool,’ of words & letters; with the bit clever joke on, “8”!? 🙂
Loved. It!
I couldn’t stop laughing!
Nice brain storming
This a is fun!
Thank you for the brain teasers
My grandkids will love it!
Very good eye opners. Thank you
Very awesome ,I enjoy this app.interesting to play with you
What is left after a forest fire other than the ashes???
Crispy critters.
Really like this one!! I almost got it!! Came closer on this one than any others!!
I am never good ..though i knew something about currency lol ..
That’s a good one. I enjoy daily riddles.
I am terrible at these 🙂
I got it!
I got this one!
I didn’t get this one. It’s a good one to help the kids learn to put their thinking caps on. Thank you for sharing!!
Wish I got it this time but didn’t. Very clever.
Ahahaha!!! I totally didn’t get it but boy is this obvious!! Jeepers!! Im just bad at these 😛
These are so fun! Thank you for posting these!
Hah, I get it!
Well, I had half of the riddle solved lol
My brain is just not getting these recently 🙂
got it
Same. It’s very clever, although I do know half of thesee already. 🙂
Rebus puzzles and my brain do not get along!
Yay, finally one that I got right away! 😉
I thought I had it right but didn’t. Thank you for sharing. So much fun
got it! 🙂
currency ?
You waste my time with the click click click roundabout. Nothing is straightforward. Nothing is followed through in a straightforward way. You’re a busy Mom???? I’m busy too, ‘lured in’ as you say… but find a real time wasting set up here. Shame on you. Garbage.