Check out this fun riddle of the day to get your brain moving and thinking! I can fly but I have no wings.
I can cry but I have no eyes. Wherever I go, darkness follows me. What am I?
Riddles are always fun ice breakers as well as a great way for one to think outside of the box. Kids love them as well. But what makes a riddle or brain teaser so special? Simple, the ability to make you have to think of an answer to a simple question. Sometimes the answers are easy as pie, other times it takes a bit of thinking before you get it right. This riddle is no exception.
What did one potato chip say to the other?
Shall we go for a dip?
Why couldn’t the sailors play cards?
The captain was standing on the deck
What is the best thing to do if a bull charges you?
Pay the bull
Why can’t you play basketball with pigs?
Because they hog the ball
Which football player wears the biggest helmet?
The one with the biggest head
What did the outlaw get when he stole a calendar?
Twelve months
In which month do monkeys play baseball?
How do rabbits travel?
By hare plane
Have you heard about the restaurant on the moon?
Great food, but no atmosphere
Why didn’t the hot dog star in the movies?
The roll was not good enough.
What is black, white, and pink all over?
An embarrassed zebra
Answer: icicle
Why is the Mississippi such an unusual river?
Because it has four eyes and it cannot even see!
When is a car, not a car?
When it turns into a parking lot
What bank never has any money?
The riverbank
Why isn’t your nose twelve inches long?
Because then it would be a foot.
What has many rings, but no fingers?
A telephone
What are two things you cannot have for breakfast?
Lunch and dinner
What kind of cup can’t hold water?
A cupcake
Here’s a fun riddle of the day: I can fly but I have no wings. I can cry but I have no eyes. Wherever I go, darkness follows me. What am I? The answer is below 🙂
Answer: A cloud
Looking for other riddles? Check this one out.
Can’t figure out the answer head over here to see what it is 🙂
Comments & Reviews
A ghost
Loved it. Made me think tooo
I thought I had it. I said rain~ :0(~~ Lol! Close though! Love them riddles!!
Another good one! cute!