Babywearing is a wonderful thing to do for your baby. However, there are situations when babywearing is a must. Check out this comedic take on 7 Situations in Which Babywearing is a Must!
7 Situations in Which Babywearing is a Must!
Baby wearing is awesome! It has been the deciding factor in my complete sanity with 4 almost 5 kids. It has given me the ability to do things that otherwise just wouldn’t have happened had I just decided to use my hands. However, I realize baby wearing isn’t just for the everyday stuff. It also comes in handy for many times when you really do need your two hands. Here are some great examples of situations when Babywearing is a must!
- When doing pull ups. Because although we are pretty awesome superwoman, chances are we will need both hands to attempt this. This is how I plan to get in shape after 5.0 gets here: )
2.When fighting a revolutionary war. Let’s faces battles are no place for children but if you’re going to have one there it’s probably best to wear them and have both hands free to defend.
3.When dancing Flamenco. How else will you be able to play the castanets?
4. When Fighting Spies. You’re going to need all our reflexes and senses ready to attack. Matching baby outfit a plus.
5. When fighting zombies because well, You really do need both hands for this.
6. When fighting villains because chances are they won’t wait for you to switch baby from one hand to the other.
7.When plundering and pillaging because you do need both hands to carry all the new loot. So of course a baby needs to be worn during those times.
Although these are extreme situations when baby wearing is a must I can’t recommend it enough. So if you’re still a little scared to try it or haven’t made the plunge to wearing head over to your local babywearing international or natural baby store where they can help you find the perfect baby carrier.
I don’t know how I would have survived without it!
Comments & Reviews
Hahaha, these are great! I especially like the flamenco dancing one! Love baby wearing. What better way to get things done, and let your little one feel safe and secure?
These ideas are awesome!
Lmao I love this!!
Bahaha!! This is hilarious!! The guy laying on the floor in the first picture gave me a giggle. I’d probably quit too if I had to work out need to that strong mama! lol
Haha this is funny!!
This is too funny! I also always baby wear while fighting crime!
Haha I love the Walking Dead one. In case zombies take over the earth I will have to remember to grab my ergo lol
So cute
Haha! So cute. I’m excited to try babywearing!
haha! Love it! so funny and in many cases, so true! Yay for baby wearing!
The walking dead one was awesome! Babywearing for the win!
My favorite thing about baby wearing is that it makes my baby happy! So it makes me happy!!!
I can’t imagine not baby wearing!
Love babywearing, great article with fun ideas !
Haha, this is awesome, I especially loved Wonder Woman babywearing. My oldest is in the midst of a Justice League obsession. For me, it’s a must while mowing the front yard. 🙂
At the grocery store is a must!
LOL.. Love this. Especially #5. =) Thanks so much for sharing!
I love this! It’s really funny.
This is awesome! Would it be weird to print some of these out and frame them lol?! Seriously though.
The puul-ups mom is impressive; I can’t do a pull-up WITHOUT wearing a baby! And I’m definitely happy to be a babywearing mama, JUST in case the zombie apocalypse should happen! lol
These are really cute and babywearing is something I really wish I knew more about with my first child. Something I will do with my second.
This is so nice. I can see how it would make life alot easier. Thank you for sharing
This is so funny! With my 3rd baby on the way, I know I will be wearing my daughter in many crazy situations whike chasing my 6 and 3 year old boys….hopefully not as extreme as above though, haha!
This is great – I had a good laugh! Also reminds me to look into these classes I saw where you do salsa dancing while wearing your baby, there’s no castanets but it still sounds fun!
LOL I love this list. My daughter liked when I cleaned and wore her. I would also wear her at the grocery store until she could sit in the buggy by herself. She would always fall asleep. She’s almost 3. I would still wear her if she would let me, but of course she doesn’t have time for that anymore. LOL
This is too funny. 🙂
This is so cute and funny my grandson love to be worn now he is getting to big
This is amazing! I love the gal doing pull-ups! So good. I wear my baby while I do squats and lunges – love the extra weight without needing to be at the gym!
I can’t imagine doing pull-ups while babywearing…I can’t even do one without that extra weight!
The pull ups are crazy LOL I love this. Us Mommies are for sure super heros.
Number 5 is my favorite 🙂
Loved the Wonder Woman. That’s how I usually feel.
Number 7 is my favorite
#5 is my favorite!! Possibly because I’m obsessed with The Walking Dead!
This is so cute, and makes me love babywearing even more!
My sister’s baby has reflux and she’s constantly spitting up. My sis would love to baby wear but doesn’t want a mess all over whatever she is doing. Advice?
My son has acid reflux too, I’ve found that baby wearing actually helps him. Babies with acid reflux do best when in an upright position. I haven’t had spit up happen too often while wearing. I think if she’s really concerned about the spit up, she could try placing a small kitchen towel between her & the baby to catch the spit up for her. I don’t think she’ll be getting any more on her while wearing than she normally would if she wasn’t.
Yes! What Jessica said. Baby wearing is very helpful for children that have acid reflux and a small towel would help with any spit up 🙂
Elia, wherever did you find the baby-wearing Vikings? That’s hilarious!! And while on skis, too! This father has got the multi-tasking thing down.
lol! Lots of research 😀
Not enough though! They are Birkebeiners, members of a Norwegian political party, who were carrying the heir to the throne to safety through the mountains on skis. Every year there is a cross-country ski race held in their honor in Norway, as well as one in Wisconsin in the US. In the Norway race, skiers carry a pack that weighs as much as a small child. My father has skied in both of them!
Look at that you learn something new each day!