A collage, in particular a collection of related photographs displayed together, is a fantastic way to use canvas prints in your home or work space. Although a simple grouping of variously sized photos in a theme is a great method for making a big statement on a large wall, you can also branch out from there. Collages can tell a story or share memories with not only a home’s residents but also with anyone who visits. Here are some creative ideas for using canvas print collages to their maximum benefit.
Honoring Service
If you have members of the military or police or fire fighting personnel in your home, consider creating a showplace for shots of them in uniform. You can hang them generationally or by rank or however seems logical.
Family Tree
Families who are into genealogy can create an actual family tree with small canvas photo prints of each member. Use decals or paint to create the framework of the tree and branches on the wall, then install the prints in the appropriate spots. Be sure to leave room for new additions!
Birthday Bliss
For homes with children, a fun way to showcase family photos is by creating a small collage for each child from various times in their youth. Then, you can post a clock as part of the assemblage that is set to the exact time that child was born. One of the canvas prints in the collection could be of the baby’s footprint taken at the hospital.
Pets Picture Show
Every family loves its pets. Highlight every aspect of your pets’ personality with a collection of shots that shows their mischievous side, their playful side, and their service as companions. It’s particularly nice to install photographs of them growing up as your children also get older.
Accomplishment Row
Have you run in 12 marathons? How about performed with an orchestra at Carnegie Hall? If you or a member of your family has made significant achievements, a canvas collage is a great way to highlight your hard work. How about a collection of shots of you crossing the finish line in each of the 12 races, maybe with the times posted to show your progress through the years?
You can flex your creative muscle in many ways with the help of versatile canvas prints. Any adventurous idea is bound to make a great display and conversation starter for visitors to your home. Plus, you can create a showcase that will make you smile every time you pass by it.
Comments & Reviews
Great idea
I have seen these in friends homes featuring family photos. Such a nice way to display photos.
These are great ideas! I love collages, they don’t have to be perfect. ? love the family tree idea!
Canvas prints are my favorite way to decorate!
Great ideas, thanks!
I love canvas prints I’m going to do this.Thanks
I made a collage of some of our wedding photos since we can’t hang all of them up. I like getting to display them and it’s a large poster sized print.
I love the birthdays idea!
Thanks! I’ve been looking for some collage inspiration for my instagram photos from our recent travels.
This is good inspiration. Our walls are still pretty blank from when we moved in and painted. I need to get on this!
Great ideas! A canvas of collected items would be cool , too!
Love canvas prints!! Im hoping to get one of our family for over our sofa!!
Love this idea, I’m just not very creative. I’d probably have a friend do this for me when I’m ready. A close friend did her ENTIRE wall with a tree & has pictures all over the tree of different family moments. LOVE the canvas pictures! Definitely going that route!!!
Great ideas! I love the way canvas prints look, I should consider making a canvas collage.