Marriage is work. Good work, worth-it work, but all the same; work! And when you add kids to the mix it takes even more effort to keep your marriage functional, pleasant, and, ahem, spicy. A great way to keep the romance alive is to remind each other that your relationship is important. It is amazing how a little love note from your honey can brighten your whole day. So here’s a little list of ways you can leave your partner a note without using a computer or a cell phone. If your children can read, considering using some discretion about where you leave the message if it is of the va-va-voom variety.
Ya get my drift?
Here we go!
- Steam Up the Windows!
When you get out of the shower and the bathroom mirror is fogged up use your finger to write a little somthin’. Don’t write creepy things like “I see you” or “I’m coming for you”. Try doodling a heart with your names in the middle or simply writing “I love you”. Next time your sweetie pie steams up the bathroom from his shower the mirror will fog and reveal your message.
- Tiles
If you have games like scrabble or bananagrams in the house, keep ‘em handy! I learned this from my own parents who excel in the art of grossing out their children with their hopelessly romantic love for one another. Use the letter tiles to spell out a flirty message and leave it somewhere your spouse will find it like on top of a made bed, his favorite chair, or on the counter.
- Chalk it up!
My husband has done this for me and it made me swoon. He found the side walk chalk and declared his love for me in our driveway so that it was the first thing I saw when I pulled in. You can also do this with a chalk board which is what we use in our current house that has a gravel driveway.
- Hidden Stickies
I love sticky notes so whenever I make a sack lunch for my husband I try to include a sticky note that tells him how thankful I am for him. Sometimes when he has to travel for work I hide sweet notes in his luggage; reminders that he is loved and that I’m excited for him to come back home. You can even slip these messages in his coat pocket for him to find when he reaches for his keys.
- Refrigerator Magnets
When I was pregnant with our son and we were trying to decide on his name we used alphabet fridge magnets to spell out our ideas. When we brought our baby home from the hospital my husband had used the magnets to say “Welcome home Stella and Henry”. Now that we have named our little guy we still use the fridge magnets to communicate. Sometimes I spell out boring things like “pick up milk” but other times I like to write “I married a stud” or “Thank you for all you do”.
No matter how hectic life gets taking time to make your spouse feel special is important. Investing time in your relationship is worth it. What are some of your favorite ways to keep your marriage fun?
Comments & Reviews
I hide sticky notes in my husband’s work bag, wallet, pockets, and laptop. If he’s going on a business trip, I make sure to put one in his suitcase and carry-on.
Way to go! You are on it!
I love surprising my hubby with messages! I often use our kids ABC blocks for this purpose. Our bed has a backboard with a 4″ shelf on it, so it’s the perfect place to spell something out for him!
Oh man, that is great!
My husband travels for work, I try to hide a card and a little present in his suitcase occasionally.
That’s great, Gina!
Sometimes, My daughter and I bake a special treat timed just right to come out of the over as my husband comes home. It’s not much, but a warm, yummy-smelling delight always makes a long day seem worth it.
Yum! I bet he loves that!
These are such sweet ideas and totally up my alley. I already do the sticky note and chalkboard thing, but I’ve definitely been thinking of buying some magnetic letters for the fridge, teehee ^.^
Amazon has some magnetic letters. That’s where ours came from! 🙂
In a world overridden with technology, I love these ideas!
Thanks, Kelly!
Sweet. What fun ideas!
Glad you liked ’em, Angela!
We have letters on the fridge! I should leave a message for my husband , and see if he even notices it lol
Ha! Have you done it yet? Did he notice?!
Two nights ago I left a folded up note in my husband’s coffee cup but when I woke up the next morning I panicked thinking maybe he hadn’t seen it and poured his coffee without taking the note out! Lol. Thank goodness he saw it before he poured. 🙂
These are such sweet ways to keep romance alive.
Thanks, Mia!
I like the magnets idea, but I feel like I would be self conscious anytime someone came over!
Oh yes, I have had to quickly scramble the letters on the fridge when we had surprise visitors. 😉 It kinda adds to the thrill!
Love these ideas!
Thanks, Destiny!
Normally I do note like these on his birthday and valentine day. But I should do it often to thank my husband for everything he does for my daughters and myself. He is a great dad to his daughters. ?
We travel on short weekend trips! Always different, always fun! I write a little message of my love on his side mirror. I see him lookin all the time!
Sandra, sounds like you are already a pro at leaving love notes! 🙂 Everybody loves a ‘thank you’!
I’m a big post-it note person! I also use the dry erase board on our refrigerator! 🙂
Oh, that’s a good one!
I love these cute ideas
Thanks, Geri!
Good and cute!
Thank you, Cee!
so cute! It’s good to be tech free sometimes!
Thanks! Refreshing to put down the technology sometimes, isn’t it?
cute ideas!
Thanks, Natalie!
I love these ideas…how fun!
Thanks, Barbara!
I am so going to use these great ideas and I love that they are tech free thanks for sharing this one and have a nice day.
I’m glad you liked this post, Heather! Thanks for reading!
I love these ideas! I need to try to incorporate these in our daily routine. Shake things up a little bit!
I’m so glad you enjoyed this post! Even spending as little as 30 seconds to express your love is worth it!
Great ideas! We write things on the grocery list like “love,””tranquility,” “world peace” etc. Not really a love note to each other but a little smile for whoever gets to do the shopping.
Wow, what a neat idea. I with world peace was something we could get at the grocery store!
Love this!! I’m always trying to inspire my hubby to leave me love notes but no luck, he’s all about the text, which is fine. But I usually leave the creative notes like on the board in the kitchen or surprise him with notes in his wallet. Gotta keep the romance alive.
Good for you! Just keep going, maybe he will catch on to the creativity. 😉
so cute, need this.. going out overnight for anniversary and birthday
Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday! Hope you have lots of fun!