This fun Super Hero Father’s Day Craft Idea is the perfect way for kids to show their father what an amazing superhero they think he is. Easy to make and a fun project that will be something they treasure forever!
My kids think the world of my husband and in their eyes he’s definitley a superhero. That’s why I love this craft, because it allows them to show how awesome they think their daddy is. This Father’s Day Superhero Plate Spinner is the perfect Father’s day craft for the special man in your little one’s lives. So check out how easy it is to make this fun Father’s day Superhero Craft. Make sure and print out the Printable PDF and watch the Video tutorial below for exact instructions.
What you’ll Need:
* two paper plates
* scissors
* paint: red, yellow and black
* 3 foam painbrushes
* pencil
* glue stick
* crafting brad
* Use the scissors to cut out the two circular templates. We’ll name the template that says “You are my favorite Superhero” Template A, and the template with the superhero names Template B.
* Place template B onto one of the plates and use it as a guide to trace a ‘X’ pattern onto the plate. There is now 4 sections to the plate.
* Paint the right hand section red, left section yellow and the top black.
* As you’re waiting for the paint to dry. Glue template B to the other plate, cut it out. Use the scissors to make a hole in the center of the ‘X’.
* Once the paint is dry, glue Template A on to the center of the painted plate. Use the scissors to cut out the bottom quadrant.
* Line up Template B under Template A until you can see the superhero in the cut out quadrant. Use the hole that was poked through Template B to create a hole in template A.
* Put the crafting brad through the top of Template A, through Template B. Secure the crafting brad on the back of the plate.
* It’s done & ready to spin!
To see the exact process check out the fun video below. Don’t forget to print out the template here!
Looking for more superhero fun? Check out this fun round up of 25+ Avengers Craft ideas
Comments & Reviews
My father would’ve loved this.
I hope the fathers keep these special things made by their kids
What a fabulous idea! A gift made with Love are always the best kind!!
This looks like a fun craft to do with my granddaughter
My Dad would have liked this.
a special gift for a special dad
My Dad would have loved this.
Something a dad would treasure!
My Dad loved DIY projects.
I think my Dad would have liked this.
This is such a cute project my grandaughter would love making this.
My father would have liked this.
This is such a fun and unique Father’s Day craft idea. It’s so sweet!
This is a cute DIY!
My Dad would’ve like this.
This is so cute! My grandchildren would have fun making this for my son!
Great summer craft for the kids.
My Dad likked DIY projects like this.
Clever idea for Father’s Day.
almost that time crafter better get busy
too cute
Very fun craft idea.
Super Hero crafting with mom what more could a kid want
My Dad would have thought this was cute.
Father’s Day is coming up soon. thanks for the reminder
so many of the little one’s are in to the super hero’s so this is a perfect craft for them to do with mom
neat idea
Would have loved to make this with my Dad.
Every dad will love this
This is so clever! And so simple, too.
Nice Father’s Day activites.
Real cute.
Great gift ideas for dad, perfect as father’s day is coming up
What a great idea for younger kids to do for their dads.
This is so cute for the kids to make for their dads.
I miss my Day. He died nearly 2 years ago.
This is a wonderful craft. Something kids will be proud to give to Dad!!