Do you like riddles? Here are a few to get your riddle fill in. Check out this riddle of the day: What five Letter Word has six left when you take away 2 Letters away?
Who doesn’t like a good riddle? They are the perfect way to think outside the box and to exercise the brain. I’ve got some great brain teasers all over my page. You can check some of them below as well as through my page. Make sure and check for the answer to the above riddle all the way at the bottom 🙂
If you eat me, my sender will eat you.
What am I?
A fish hook.
Forwards I am heavy, backwards I am not.
What am I?
What jumps when it walks and sits when it stands?
A kangaroo.
A shadow.
I have keys but no doors, I have space but no rooms, I allow you to enter but you are never able to leave. What am I?
A keyboard
You cannot see me, nor can I be touched, you cannot feel me, but I can cook your lunch!
A microwave particle
After booming and zapping is when I emerge, to bring you bright dazzling beauty when I diverge. Some say that I hide enormous wealth, but those riches have always proven stealth. What am I?
A rainbow
I have wings, I am able to fly, I‘m not a bird yet I soar high in the sky. What am I?
An airplane
If four people can repair four bicycles in four hours, how many bicycles can eight people repair in eight hours?
16 bicycles
What five Letter Word has six
left when you take away
2 Letters away?
Answer: The word Sixty… When you take 2 letters away from sixty it becomes six.
Looking for more riddles? Check this one out below.
Can’t figure out the answer, head over here.
Here’s another fun one
Answer :A clock
Comments & Reviews
I like your riddles. They are funny
It could be sixty or sixes
How do you do these?
How do you get to that?
Jeez , that was a hard one!
Ha! Ha! Good one!
I totally don’t understand reebus puzzles, I think I think (haha) too linearly.
Would you please explain how to do the rebus Puzzels? I am so lost! I love your riddles but the last 2 days I just can’t figure out how!! Thankyou Cathy
Love this one, thanks these are so enjoyable!
I did not get this one. Thank you for posting them I really like to try to figure them out.
Totally didn’t get this one! It’s a good one though!
Ha! Didn’t get it this time. Oh man, that was a good one. I love these!
Not this time
Absolutely love the Riddles! They are so much fun! Although I have to admit, I didn’t really understand this Riddle or how this answer came about!! Lol! 🙂
Thanks but could you please post up the directions/plan of how to play/theme, so we know how to search to solve the riddle? 😉 Thanks
HAH, had to show this to my coworker. We both got a kick out of it. Thanks.
Wait what? Lol how in the world? Hahah I’m not good at these!
Oooh super tricky!! I totally didn’t get this one lol!!
Did not get this one! I am not very good at these…
this one got me! I couldnt figure it out for nothing. lol
I usually get these pretty quick but this one GOT ME !!! wow, complicated. I like it!! 🙂
I never would have gotten that.
Didn’t get this one, but it’s cute!