Riddle of the day: I am the beginning of the end, the end of every place. I am the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space. What am I?
Riddle of The Day
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Comments & Reviews
Mary Czerczyk says
I actually thought I had the answer this time. But I was wrong.
Beth R says
I actually got this one! I will have to tell my son this
Cindy Robinson says
That is a good one. I never do well on riddles.
Sue M. says
I know the answer but I won’t post!
Joey Wright says
Nice! I was thinking too far into this one…lol
Sarah L says
My kind of riddle. Knew the answer easily.
Regina Wright says
Lol super cute!
Priscilla Lynn says
That’s to cute I love these post always fun to have something to look forward to guessing
Deborah D says
I never would have gotten this.
Rachel says
I saw the answer before I saw the riddle….ended up being so easy this time 😉
Bethany Wilson says
Good one!