Are you looking for Pregnancy fashion ideas? Check out these Pregnancy fashion Do’s and don’ts
Having a baby is not an excuse to forget about yourself and start dressing sloppily. It is actually a time then you need to embrace your new body and don’t overpower your inner pregnant glow with bad clothing. If you don’t know what are acceptable and what are not so – read my short list of most common do’s and don’ts of pregnancy fashion. Enjoy reading!
So, one of the first do’s today is shopping for your size clothing. I mean, do go out and buy maternity clothing that actually fit you. This may mean trying a few things since this is the only way how you can be sure that it fits you right. It also means additional spendings too. But that shouldn’t be a problem if you want to look great while being pregnant. Moreover, there are some tricks how to reduce prices. In fact, Target coupons from can help you out here a lot. So just try on things and purchase only the right size ones.
Another do for you is showing your curves. This is actually the right time to do it and you can embrace your pregnancy as much as you want. I can’t image any women being more beautiful than being pregnant. So why not show that to the world in a classic and elegant way? Get little nicely fitted dress and pull in on the daily basis. Celebrate the most beautiful time of your womanhood with confidence and shine from inside.
If talking about style then definitely do wear that you used to. If you are a black color fan and you loved to wear it on every day then wear it during your pregnancy too. Just because you are going to have a baby that doesn’t mean that you should start dressing all pink suddenly. So don‘t forget your style sense and don‘t forget yourself! Another idea is to get creative and design clothing of your own based on your style and preferences. For instance, you can put a momma-to-be type of design on an embroider t shirt to make it your own. The company even offers oversized t-shirts you may want to consider since you’re pregnant. It’s a great way to add more staples and unique pieces of clothing to your wardrobe during this time.
Now let’s go to most common don’ts. First – don’t even think about wearing your old oversized sweatpants or shirts. I do believe that is comfortable, but that will make you look bigger than you are. And you will also lose your pregnant glow too! And that is a very sad thing. Or some women even wear their husbands’ clothing… Don’t do that. Please. For the love of fashion!
While choosing what to wear during pregnancy, you also shouldn’t be afraid of colors. Bright red, green or other colors are appropriate for pregnancy apparel too! So definitely have a little fun and don’t be afraid to splash some color. It will create a more fashionable look and you will definitely attract some nice attention.
Finally, you can be sexy while being pregnant, but don’t be over sexualized and don’t show too much skin too. Deep v-necks or mini dresses are great then you are young and not pregnant. But at this time of your life better play it more conservative. Also, too much of accessories and high heels with lots of makeup might look cheap and not stylish at all. Just think of this time of your life as a chance to experiment with more classic looks. At the bottom line, you can’t try as much as you want to look sexy, but that is not going to happen no matter how much you try.
Comments & Reviews
Great tips! I love using my regular dresses as tunics with leggings.
Do look on Pinterest for some great real life ideas too! Great list.
This are great tips! I never knew that it is okay to wear bright colors with maternity clothes.
Sadly I had about 3 outfits in my last trimester. The good news is they didn’t meet any of the requirements of your don’t list 🙂
Always must be a gold middle with do’s and font’s !You are right,it’s the only time..
thanks for all the tips!
16 weeks Pregnant with baby #2 right now and need to save some $ to buy some cute maternity clothes! With baby #1 I definitely broke these rules & wore a lot of sweatpants and big tshirts 🙁 When I went out, I’d wear leggings and a long shift, which wasn’t bad… but I’m grateful leggings were so in style! Haha.
Thanks for the Fantastic Review on Pregnancy Fashion: Do’s & Don’ts! I’ve seen too many women (girls) these days who are pregnant and their bellies are hanging out of their shirts and they wear the tights and high heels! Come one this is ridiculous! They don’t even look nice! I know when my oldest daughter was pregnant, she really didn’t go anywhere so she wore her normal shirts and pregnancy tights! I didn’t really like the way she was dressing, however, she did get some maternity clothes later on. It just seems like nowadays anything goes! I enjoyed reading your do and don’ts list! I totally agree with your opinions as well! Thanks so much for sharing your fantastic review and your personal and professional opinions on Pregnancy Fashion: Do’s & Don’ts with all of us! I honestly do appreciate it! Thanks again! Michele 🙂
I loved my belly last time & looking forward to the new one too.
I love the new fashions for maternity clothes and showing off the baby bump
These are some great tips! Thankfully, after what seems like forever, I’m finally out of my maternity clothes!
With my first, I became very top heavy before I started showing. I loved it! I agree with your fashion tips.I always wore tasteful clothing. Never anything low cut. I guess, I still dressed like myself. Only in larger sizes.
Great tips! I’m currently pregnant and fighting the urge to wear sweatpants all the time!
Agree Agree Agree!! I loved showing off my pregnancy curves!! Your belly is like its own cute accessory!! And the only time in life you can get away with accentuating a pot belly 🙂 So fun!! I miss my baby bump 🙁