Disclaimer: I received Caveman Coffee Co. products free of charge in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are entirely my own.
Coffee is to me as water is to fish: essential to survival. The Romeo to my Juliet: Why would I want to live without it? The very precipice on which all daily functions are balanced.
I’m not even being dramatic.
So when I got the chance to review Caveman Coffee Co. coffee I was thrilled.
Caveman Coffee Co. has great business scruples. The three founders of this company are athletes that care about what goes into their bodies and they care about the impact they have on communities around the world. Their coffee beans are grown and harvested in a responsible, sustainable fashion and then the beans are imported and roasted in small batches in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
The Caveman Coffee Co. website is jam-packed with great information, quality products and some pretty sweet swag. There is something for everyone from Caveman Coffee Co. You can get a monthly coffee subscription mailed right to your door, choose compostable K-cups if single serve is your thing or you can buy cans of your favorite cold-brew coffee or tea.
I got to try two coffee roasts (Sabertooth and the Ethiopian) and a sample of their 100% coconut derived MCT oil.
The coffee is delish. Out of this world, blow your mind good.
The Ethiopian is a medium roast coffee and the Caveman Coffee Co. website says it has flavors of “blueberry, succulent, cherry and bright citrus” and has a “smooth and satisfying finish”. I definitely get that vibe from this coffee. It has a nice flavor that isn’t overwhelming and it would be a great choice for a coffee lover who relishes subtlety and who likes to take their time as they enjoy each sip. It’s tasty and wonderful and perfect.
The Sabertooth is a dark roast coffee that will make you swoon. My husband usually likes his coffee so dark that only the bravest of men dare drink it. I like my coffee dark but not bitter. This is the perfect combination and (queue the angelic music) we actually agree on this roast. The website says it is “smoky on the nose, with notes of campfire marshmallows, vanilla pipe tobacco, and toasted hazelnuts.” And has “a balanced smoothness with a hint of lemon peel on the finish.” Yes. It is excellent.
The 100% Pure Coconut MCT oil that I got to try was a new one for me. Even thought I am a coconut oil fan and love the many diverse uses of it I had never heard of MCT oil. What is that anyway? MCT stands for Medium Chain Triglyceride and while I don’t know exactly what that means (because I am NOT a science minded kind of gal) I do know that a triglyceride is a fat. And in this case it’s a very healthy fat. The Caveman Coffee Co. Website has a great informational link that leads you to articles that help you understand exactly what this MCT thing is. In the brief research I did about it I learned that MCT oil could aid in digestion, promote nutrient absorption, aid in weight loss and even help you have mental clarity. These are some big promises but there appears to be a lot of research backing up these claims. Besides, I’m always up for something that’s going to help my brain function better AND tame my waistline.
There are several interesting recipes on the Caveman Coffee Co. Website that use MCT oil but I went with the most simple and straightforward: A tablespoon of butter, a tablespoon of MCT and coffee. MCT oil is odorless and colorless. It turned my coffee a creamy amber color and it was like drinking very flavorful coffee with no sugar, just cream. This was strange for me because I usually drink my coffee straight up black. Nevertheless it had a distinct flavor and with all those health benefits I can see why people love it.
I’m giving Caveman Coffee Co. 8,437 out of 5 stars for sheer excellence. It’s a great product, an exceptional company and plain old perfect coffee.
You can connect with Caveman Coffee Co. on their website by clicking here. Caveman Coffee also has a pretty awesome subscription program which delivers their delicious coffee to your door. You can check out more information on their Coffee Subscription here.
Comments & Reviews
adding butter (specifically grass-fed unsalted butter) and mct oil into coffee was “pioneered” by Dave Asprey who calls it “Bulletproof Coffee”…. he sells high-quaIity beans plus many other premium health/wellness products on his site. Highly recommended.
I have not heard of this coffee brand before, but after reading your review I REALLY would love to try it. The descriptions were making my mouth water!
I have heard so much about this!!! It totally freaks me out!! I may have to try it since you said its good 😉 I trust you lol!! Im the same about anything that helps keep my head on and tame my waistline too 😉
I have never heard of this coffee company before. I love trying new coffees and experimenting with them. I will have to try this coffee as it sounds great!
This coffee sounds yummy! I love trying different brands of coffee! Thanks for sharing.