Last Monday I had the opportunity to sit down and interview the beautiful and Incredibly talented Cate Blanchett. I’ve always been a huge fan of hers. How could one not be with her huge repertoire of roles that have made her a legend in her own right. Her presence alone commands an elegance and beauty I imagined but was so impressed to see. So it was a real treat to see her in person and talk about her role as the Evil Step mother in Disney’ newest (and my most favorite) adaptation of Cinderella which hits theaters this Friday.
Her role as the Step Mother was so amazing and so believable it almost made you dislike her but seeing her walk in you remember how amazing she truly is!
When asked if she went after the role as the step mother she she quickly answered: “Like a Rabid Dog” and then began to laugh. “I was very lucky, because Sandy Powell and Dante Ferretti were on board, and they’re two of the greats that have created such extraordinary visuals in modern cinema. Then Ken Branagh came on board who’s so fantastic with actors and with language, so it was kind of a perfect, a perfect storm” and when she fell into this role she knew it would be perfect.
There was an awkward pause when she would tell friends about being in Cinderella because they didn’t know whether to ask if she was playing Cinderella. And although she could have her role as the Step mother was fantastic.
Cate’s Favorite Scene couldn’t just be pin pointed to one.
“I think the chemistry between Lily and Richard is palpable, and I wept like a baby, completely inappropriately and out of character when they waltzed for the first time. The, the music is beautiful, but also it was really big feat because Lily was cinched in so tightly, and that dress was like an armored tank, and he was in seven hundred layers of wool, and the dance was really athletic, and they acted like a dream. And the chemistry was, palpable, and I just, I wept because it was beautiful to watch. And maybe being the mother of sons I found it very,very moving & every tie I see it, I do a bit of a cry…a lot.”
“But I also love the scene between,Derek Jacobi as the king, and Richard Madden as the prince. You know, because that’s the wonderful thing about the film, I think is that, you know, we try and shield our children from moments of grief and I know it from having lost a parent at the age of ten.Children are resilient, and they can handle it better, in a way, it’s harder, I think, to lose a parent, at our age. Well, I mean, I might be a thousand years older than you all,but I found that really moving. I thought for him as a man to be curled up like a young boy, you know, and I’ve had a lot of friends recently lose a parent, and whether you’re eighty or eight and you lose a parent you’re always the child, and so I find that scene very moving.”
How much fun was it to play a Disney villain?
” There’s a lot of great Disney villains, and a lot of them are women that have fabulous frocks and fabulous hairdos and so it was an enormous amount of fun. You know, the wonderful message in the film, of course is to have courage and to be kind. You know, kindness is a super power, and we try to teach our children, you know, you share, you be respectful, you be generous, you be thoughtful, put yourself in someone else’s shoes, and to play someone who can’t play someone who can’t do any of those things,you know, to have that as your avatar during the day was quite fun.”
How did you prepare for your role? You’re so evil!
“Often on film, we don’t get a lot of rehearsal time. We got a little bit of it with Ken on the script. But, you know, actors come in at various different times, and so for me, the, the most creative two parts of the process early on are your costume fittings so working with Sandy who I’ve worked with before and we get to try things out because before you even utter a syllable, what you wear and how we do it is what we form unconscious judgments of people. You know the way they smell, by what they choose to wear; how you choose to present yourself, you know,it’s a big part of who we are, and particularly on film because it’s so visual, obviously. Once I knew what those silhouettes were, I knew which bits I didn’t have to act because the costume was revealing of those things.”
Your laugh in the movie, I found that very iconic. Where did you draw the inspiration for that laugh?
Well, I was mucking around with a, a, a friend of mine on set and we were talking about, LAUGHS we were talking what makes people ugly. And, and I said it’s interesting, you can go out with somebody and think, oh my gosh, you’re so attractive, and then he or she eats, and you think, oh my gosh you’re a pig,Or someone is amazing and you think, your politics are reprehensible, or you know, there’s something about them will give them away, and we were talking about dirty laughs. And so I just did it, and she laughed, and then there was a scene where gambling and I I laughed, and Ken’s face was so revolted. He was really worried. He said, you’re not gonna do that, are you? And I said, oh yes I am. I think his reaction made me wanna keep it.. It was a way in which she’s got exquisite dresses, perfect makeup, and then she opens her mouth and that comes out. And so I thought that was a bit of red flag about was to come.”
Sitting down with Cate and talking about all these elements of the movie was such a treat. To get her perspective of a character that is so hateful was amazing. From listening to her you realize how much input she had in this role and how her touch was a crucial element to this character’s success. She manages to take the step mother’s role to the cruel step mother role we all know and in a sense make you realize why she is the way she is.
Cate Blanchett once again has proven the depth of her talent with this role and it was such a wonderful experience to spend some time talking to her about the many elements that went on in this movie.
Don’t miss out seeing Cate Blanchett as the evil Step Mother in Disney’s Cinderella opening in theaters everywhere this Friday March 13th.
Most important get social with Cinderella on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & Pinterest.
Images via Disney, Jana from & Louis from
Comments & Reviews
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super thanks
wow, very cool!
Looks really good!
This looks like it’s gonna be good!
Looks like a good one!
Looking forward to this even more now! Actors from Downton Abbey + Game of Thrones = perfect haha
That’s awesome, can’t wait to see this once it comes out!
Want to see this
It’s awesome that you got to meet her! I’m really looking forward to seeing Cinderella.
Can’t wait to see this!
I love her! This was so much fun to read 🙂
This movie looks AMAZING! My son is only seven months old so I may go by myself 🙂
My kids and I are looking forward to seeing this movie. Wonderful interview.
You have the coolest job ever! What a great interview! Cant wait for the movie1 Those dresses are amazing!
I cant wait to watch this movie with my kids
so excited to see this!
I’m really looking forward to this movie, I love all the disney princess classics!
Can’t wait to see this movie! Makes me feel like a kid again.
What isn’t Cate Blanchett amazing in?!
She was fabulous in Blue Jasmine
What a great interview, she really seems so down to earth. Can’t wait to see the movie.
I did both! Going to watch Cinderella this weekend, Cate Blanchett is such a Beauty!!! You rock @conservamom
That adaptation looks fabulous!
Hopefully going to see this this weekend!!
Looking forward to seeing this movie!!
My girls and I will be going to see it.
I can’t wait to watch this movie!
I want to see this!
I can’t wait to see this 🙂
Cate Blanchett is a great actress. Would love to see this movie!
This looks interesting. Cate Blanchett is so gorgeous, seriously.
sounds amazing!
Looks like a fun event, I’ll definitely check out this movie!
What a wonderful experience it sounds like you had! My DD whose not even 3 can’t wait for the movie to come out!
I cant wait to see this movie with the kids.
My 4 dds will love this.
Id love to see this movie!
Looks like a great movie!
I would love to see this movie, cant wait till friday
❤️ Cinderella
I can’t wait to see this movie!
So cool!
This looks like fun 🙂
I’m very excited to see this!
So neat! 🙂
I’m excited to see the main character in something other than Downton Abbey (love that show!)
I would watch it
We have all boys in my house. 😛 Maybe some day…
My daughter LOVES Cinderella and can’t wait to see this movie! I think we’re going to see it at the drive in this weekend…can’t wait!
Congrats! What an incredible opportunity. It must have been so amazing to get to do something like that. So cool!
the laugh! great 😉
how awesome! what a cool experience.
I thank you for all the pointers and comments. I appreciate blogging with you, and look forward to building our relationship in the future.
How awesome! I’m looking forward to seeing this when it comes out. She seems like she’d make a great wicked stepmother!
I have always loved the story of Cinderella. I love all those costumes that are worn in the movie. You imagine living in those days and having to wear all those layers. The hats, are fabulous. I especially love the black one with the veil. Wow, I would have loved to be around during that time so that I could dress like that. Of course I would have to be wealthy because without any clout there would be no spectacular dresses for me. I’d probably have to wear a tablecloth or something, lol!
It is amazing how much simple actions can totally change a roll or a part in a movie. I love finding out who the actors are. I have had the opportunity to meet several very big stars, performers, and writers. Some are wonderful, some not so much. I applaud their talents and abilities. I cannot wait to see this.
i like the new trend of producers changing up the story and look of stories like Cinderella
Cinderella has always been a favourite of mine. I can’t wait to see this version of it. 🙂
I would love to go see this new version of Cinderella!
I will like to see this movie!
Can’t wait to see this!
This looks like a good movie.
This is such a great movie. I can’t wait.
I can’t wait!!
Love Cate Blanchett! So much fun.
Sounds like fun. My daughter loved meeting the Evil Stepmother at Disney World – never thought what it’d be like to play a villain. I’m excited to watch the movie!
loved her answers, especially about kindness being a superpower we should teach our children.
I love this page! Thank you for all the giveaways. I hope to win someday. 🙂
I am so excited for this movie!
My daughter is soooo excited for this!
I am super excited for this film, thank you for sharing with us.
Neat! Never seen this movie
Love your page and thanks for the chance for the giveaway and keeping it fun!:)
This was such a great opportunity for you. I am so glad you enjoyed this so much. Thank you for sharing
I would love to watch this movie.
Wish my granddaughter was just a little older, I would love to take her to see this.