If you’re going through a divorce it can be a very tough situation. Here are 4 Ways To Protect Your Mental Health During A Divorce
4 Ways To Protect Your Mental Health During A Divorce
Going through a divorce isn’t easy, even if you have an amicable and straightforward divorce process. There are so many reasons couples find themselves going through a divorce, and while everyone has a different reason and experience during this time, no two people and no two divorces are the same.
It’s true that divorce can take its toll on your physical and mental health, especially if there are children involved or the process is drawn out and complicated. However, it’s crucial to remember to prioritize your well-being during this time. Knowing how to take care of yourself and your mental health cannot only help you navigate the divorce process but also set the foundation for a brighter future. You are worth the care and attention.
Connect With People
As stressful as this time might be, the last thing you want to do is cut yourself off from those who love and care for you. Talk to family and friends about how you are feeling and what you are going through. Bottling everything up can be detrimental to your mental health and impact you more than the divorce itself. Chances are people are worried about you and want to help, so let them help you in any way you need and share how you’re feeling so they can offer support.
Get Professional Help
While you’re likely already retaining the services of an experienced divorce lawyer to help you navigate this dissolution of your marriage, it’s equally important to consider the benefits of therapy. Talking to a therapist can empower you to make sense of your journey, understand its impact, and develop effective coping strategies. This professional support can help you move forward with confidence and resilience.
Prioritize Your Sleep
With times of high stress come long nights of no sleep. It is almost taken for granted that hand in hand with stressful life periods comes insomnia. However, a lack of sleep will only make you feel worse and make your problems seem bigger. Sleep is crucial during this time as it allows your body and mind to rest and recover from the emotional strain of the divorce. You need to pay attention to how much sleep you’re getting and try as much as you can to get a good night’s sleep every night. This can help you to get the rest you need and process the events to put you in a better frame of mind to deal with them.
Know Your Triggers
Are there certain times, events, places, or people that can trigger poor mental health or elevate your stress levels? If so, you need to be aware of your triggers and put actions in place. For example, if it is meeting your ex-spouse face to face, are there ways you can avoid this so tensions don’t rise? Can you communicate through a mediator instead? Is it talking to certain people that trigger feelings of sadness and loss for your marriage? If so, can you limit your interactions with them for now? Or is it topics or places you used to frequent together that can start you spiraling? If so, can you find new places or activities that don’t remind you of your past? Finding ways to navigate these points can allow you to free yourself of the connection and develop strategies that allow you to come to terms with what is happening in a more beneficial and effective way to help you preserve your mental health.
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