We know that having fun is good for your health. Everything in balances is fantastic for mental health as well as self care. However, find out why games are great for your health.
Why Games are Great for Your Health
There are a number of people that claim, for whatever reason, that video games are dangerous and unhealthy. These accusations are mostly baseless and, in fact, the opposite could be said to be true. Video games are, in a lot of ways, very good for your health and this article aims to explain exactly why that is and have a look at what aspects of your health video games help with.
They are a Great Way to Relax
Plain and simple, video games are fun. Whether you are playing an RPG like Dragonquest or an online browser game like the kind available at Luck Nugget Casino (home to the best online slots Canada has to offer), engaging with a video game is all but guaranteed to be a positive experience. This is a big thing for an adult; since so much of life is uncertain, it is nice to know for sure that an experience is going to be pleasant.
They are Good for Stress Reduction
On top of that, video games can actually be used beneficially for stress relief. Their relaxing and enjoyable nature is a positive influence on your stress levels and can help to keep your stress in check. Additionally, video games that are played cooperatively are, seemingly, the most effective when it comes to the reduction of stress, which means that social play is the best way to engage with video games if they are being used to reduce stress.
Perfect for Preventing Cognitive Decline
Honestly, video games truly don’t get the recognition that they deserve! While some games might just be there to rot the brain, not every video game is like this. In fact, most video games actually help you keep your brain sharp. That’s right, they can actually help fight back against cognitive decline since you’re still having to think hard (depending on the game) and even think fast. Think about Minesweeper; it’s a simple example, but this is a game that’s actually strategic.
No, you’re not supposed to mindlessly click the gray buttons either; there’s a pattern you need to grasp in order to prevent the mine (hence the Mine-sweeper name). This is just an example, but there are so many different puzzle games out there that are doing this. Plus, more elderly people are picking this up and these video games are helping with preventing dementia.
They are Beneficial to Your Mental Health
Regularly playing video games has also been linked to a positive increase in the mental health of players. This benefit to mental health is, almost definitely, a result of the decreased stress levels as stress can do terrible things to your mental health. From causing depression and anxiety to frustration and aggression, poorly managed stress levels can do a lot of damage, which is why video games are so beneficial to mental health. By reducing stress levels, they also reduce the negative impacts of stress on the players mental health, leaving them happier and healthier overall.
They are Good for Your Physical Health Too
Not only are video games beneficial for your mental health, but they are also good for your physical health too. Regularly playing games can help with your coordination and reflexes as often they require you to react quickly to stimuli. Additionally, people who regularly play physically active video games are reported as feeling more confident in their own abilities, engage more fully, and manage stress better when they are introduced to physical activity. Additionally, the reduction in stress in playing video games is also beneficial to physical health as stress can be particularly destructive to immune health.
Overall, then, video games can be thought of as majorly beneficial to multiple aspects of your health. Mainly due to their ability to help manage and reduce your stress levels and help you to rather feel happy and relaxed when playing, even when your game is difficult.
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