Riddle of the Day Created On: June 5, 2015  | Updated: June 5, 2015 | 12 Comments Sharing is caring! 8 shares Share Tweet Pin8 Yummly Mix What number is the car parked on? Believe it or not this is a simple answer. It’s all about perspective. The numbers are upside down so 16 is really 91 So the car is parked on 87 🙂
Carissa Lynn says June 6, 2015 I got it this time but I saw it a few days ago and was trying to add and multiply. Reply
Geneveigh Sewell says June 5, 2015 Oh my gosh…I looked earlier and couldn’t figure it out. Stumped me!! Reply
Amy Flecknoe Moyer says June 5, 2015 Some of these riddles are tough !! I totally did not get this one 🙁 Reply
Comments & Reviews
I got it this time but I saw it a few days ago and was trying to add and multiply.
Oh my gosh…I looked earlier and couldn’t figure it out. Stumped me!!
I like these spatial riddles.
Oh that is a good one!
Interesting. Thank you for sharing
This one was tough! And then you feel stupid! lol
got it!
Ok, this one I got. I feel so smart when I get one, lol.
very clever!
You’re my hero! I totally wouldn’t have known this!!!
Oh geeze!! Easier than I was making it out to be…
Some of these riddles are tough !! I totally did not get this one 🙁