One of the babies in the picture below is real, the others are dolls. Can you guess which one is real?
What is a Reborn Doll?
A reborn doll is a manufactured doll that has been transformed by an artist to resemble a human infant with as much realism as possible. The process of creating a reborn doll is referred to as reborning and the doll artists are referred to as reborners.
There is a huge subculture at there of reborn dolls and it’s mind blowing to see some of the amazing creations out there. I am always amazed at al the amazing life like baby dolls they create. Reborn dolls are a whole subculture you can find from websites selling them to a youtube channel of a family who takes theirs out everywhere.
You even have photographer Jamie Diamond who takes pictures of women with their dolls.
For some women it fills the need of having a baby. When they couldn’t have one themselves. For others they just love having something to care for. Whatever the need these dolls really are amazing.
As for which one is real? Believe it or not B is real! That’s my #3 when she was a few weeks old 🙂
The rest are reborn dolls.Amazing aren’t they?
Comments & Reviews
I thought it had to be B, because I wasn’t sure if they would make a doll with an almost crying expression. But hey, they might. It’s just crazy how real these dolls look. Almost scary real.
My guess was C. Your daughter’s facial expression is priceless.
Where are these made and HOW are they made. They look SO real!
I really really thought it was C or maybe D! These are amazing!
I thought it was C or D! That’s nuts.
So life like, it was tough picking the real baby!
Not going to lie, the reborn dolls freak me out.
Haha I am right there with you…they are amazingly well replicated…but too lifelike for me
I thought C was the answer too!! Those dolls are so amazing, I still can’t get over how real they look, it’s almost scary! Very cool.
WOW! I thought C was the answer! 🙂
Thank you for sharing.
I thought it was C! lol
This is crazy! I was guessing C. B was the only one I thought for sure was a doll! Haha
I know someone that does reborns. They are amazing. She gave my daughter one as a gift.
Sometimes she takes it to the grocery store to push around in the cart and people actually come up
to us saying they thought it was a real baby, lol.