Starting your own business is a great way to build a successful career in an industry that you truly care about. However, there are many other benefits associated with this venture. For example, running your own business means that you can:
- Achieve financial freedom
- Improve your work-life balance
- Control the number of hours you work
- Find fulfilment through work
- Support causes you truly care about
However, starting your own business can be incredibly challenging, with 20% of small businesses failing within the first year of opening. As a result, it’s crucial that you do plenty of research ahead of time so that you are able to put your best foot forward when entering the business world.
With that in mind, here’s a simple guide that you can follow to kickstart your business!
Put together a business plan.
No matter what industry you’re operating within, a good idea alone will not set you up for success. You also need a strong business plan. While it can take some time to compile, a business plan will serve as a guide that you can follow each day, making it easier to manage your time and stay on track toward your goals.
Your business plan should cover some of the following topics:
- An outline of your business and the products/services you focus on
- Research into your target audience/ideal customer
- Market research and analysis
- Financial plans and budgets
- An outline of your marketing/sales strategies
- Plans for business growth and development
However, if you are unsure where to begin, there are plenty of free business plan templates online that you can use to get started.
Set your budget.
As mentioned above, your budget is a key component of your business plan. After all, it makes it easier to stay on top of your finances, so you know exactly how much you can spend or when you need to rein yourself in.
Whether you’re relying on your savings or reaching out to investors, it is crucial that you find as many ways as possible to conserve the money you have – at least until your business becomes self-sufficient. Fortunately, there are many ways in which you can go about this, such as:
- Outsourcing instead of hiring
- Working remotely instead of from an office
- Going paperless
- Buying/sourcing equipment second-hand
Deal with the legalities.
In order to ensure the longevity of your business, you must also ensure that you deal with all of the legalities associated with starting your own company. This can vary based on which state you live in, so be sure to familiarize yourself with any local and regional laws ahead of time.
Generally speaking, though, you should register your business with the relevant governing bodies. This helps you protect your trademark and will make it easier to file the relevant taxes.
If you’re concerned about this, you may want to work with a lawyer when setting up your business. They’ll ensure that you follow all of the relevant guidelines and leave no boxes unticked. Moving forward, this will give you much greater peace of mind, as you’ll know everything is above board.
Source the right equipment.
As you move closer to launching your business, it’s time to start sourcing the equipment and tools you’ll need to succeed. Again, it’s important that you’re as budget-savvy as possible when completing this task. For example, if you are deciding to start your own laundromat facility, you could purchase high-quality laundromat equipment online from retailers, such as OEM Laundry Parts and Equipment, for an excellent price.
Promote your business online.
There are many reasons why you should promote your business online. After all, having an established online presence is one of the easiest ways to make your home business seem credible and professional. However, beyond this, “87% of consumers start their product searches online.” This means that, even if they intend to buy a product in-person or in-store, they’ll spend some time browsing your website or scrolling through your social media beforehand.
As a result, you should ensure that you have a strong online presence. Start by setting up a simple website that gives them a deeper insight into your brand. For example, it should not consist simply of a sales page alone. Include an “about us” section that delves into your story and the reasons you started your business. This adds a more personal touch to your business and makes it easier to begin building a relationship with your customers. You may also want to run a blog, too. This allows you to establish yourself as a credible leader within your industry and can increase the amount of organic web traffic you receive.
In addition to setting up a website, you should also ensure that you’re using social media to your advantage. Choose which platforms you focus on carefully, keeping your target audience in mind. For example, LinkedIn is the best platform for B2B companies, but it is unlikely to bring great results for clothing and beauty brands.
Get to know your customers.
Getting to know your customers is also key to long-term business success. After all, if you do not know the people you are trying to pitch to, how can you know what they want or need? Fortunately, there are many ways in which you can get to know your customers a little better. For example, you can:
- Host focus groups ahead of launching a new product or service to determine whether there is a gap in the market for it.
- Ask for feedback after they’ve purchased a product
- Host a range of free events for customers
Often new entrepreneurs overlook the convenience of the customers. For instance, you can help them make transactions easily by generating unique QRcodes for payments. Let them be comfortable with your processes.
Encourage loyalty.
According to a recent study, “acquiring a new customer can cost five times more than retaining an existing customer.” As a result, while it’s important to attract new customers in order to grow your business, you should also invest in customer retention as much as possible.
One way in which you can achieve this goal is by setting up a loyalty scheme. For example, you may want to provide repeat customers with exclusive discount codes or early access to products. While this may require some investment on your end, research has found that “the top-performing loyalty programs boost revenue from customers who use them by 15-25% annually.”
The way in which you respond to customer feedback can also help you to foster a sense of loyalty. For example, if they leave a complaint, try to be diplomatic in your response. Take accountability where it is necessary and try to offer some kind of solution. Not only will this encourage the customer who left the complaint to give you a second chance, but it also shows potential customers that you are a trustworthy business that truly cares about its customers.
Don’t overwork yourself.
Many new business owners admit to working in excess of 40 hours a week, often because they feel as though there’s not enough time in the day to work through their to-do list. And, while you may be willing to put as much time and energy into your business as possible, this will only put you on the path towards burnout.
When dealing with burnout, you’ll be unable to work productively. You’ll simply be dealing with too much stress, sleep deprivation and overwhelm to work at your full capacity which could put your business in danger.
As such, it is vital that you set healthy boundaries when it comes to work. For example, you could set yourself strict working hours (9-5) and avoid surpassing this where possible. You should also ensure that you continue to make time for your hobbies and passions outside of work.
If you’re worried about falling behind, this could be a key indicator that it’s time to hire employees. While it can be difficult to find employees you trust, your business will grow from strength to strength when you’re able to delegate tasks to others as opposed to trying to do everything yourself. When hiring, try to focus on bringing in employees with skills that you do not currently possess. This will help you to fill skill gaps within your business.
Final thoughts.
If you’ve always toyed with the idea of starting your own business, take this as your sign to get started. After all, getting started now means that your company is in full swing before Summer begins, giving you the chance to earn big in 2024.
However, while taking that first step is important, you should also ensure that you understand that you have your work cut out for you. If you want to succeed, you’re going to have to put the work in every single day. However, the above guidance should help you get started on the right foot by giving you a framework to follow. Then, the rest is down to you!
When things get tough, try not to fall into a negative mindset. Remember that there’s no such thing as overnight success and that even the biggest business experiences difficulties from time to time.
Comments & Reviews
Emily says
Thanks for these useful tips